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"This is a story about an ordinary teddy bear. When he was made
    they found something wrong with him and threw him away, like a
    piece of rubbish, into an old dark store room. Then from outer space
    a spotty man brought him to life with his cosmic dust. He took him
    to a magic cloud where Mother Nature gave him special powers.
    That bear became... SuperTed!"

Texas Pete dreams of conquering the universe, he steals a rocket ship and heads for outer space. Superted and Spotty chase after him, with spectacular results.


  • Derek Griffiths as Superted
  • Peter Hawkins as The Narrater & The 2 Men
  • Mel Blanc as The Rocket Base Boss
  • Jon Pertwee as Spotty
  • Victor Spinetti as Texas Pete
  • Roy Kinnear as Bulk
  • Melvyn Hayes as Skeleton

This first episode first came out on S4C in 1982 and BBC in 1983.

It was produced by Siriol Animation.

As a favourite episode from england, It's a real classic.
